Honduras El Jaguar COHORSIL

Altitude: 1220 to 1524 masl

Varietals: Catuai, Catimor, Pacas, Typica

Milling Process: Fully washed

Harvest: December – May

Flavor notes: Almond, Dark Chocolate, Orange

This washed coffee is grown at altitudes between 1,220 to 1,524 meters above sea level in the Comayagua region of Honduras. COHORSIL or La Cooperativa de Horticultores Siguatepeque Limitada is a cooperative that was formed in 1980 by 12 vegetable farmers. They formed this cooperative in order to improve the quality of their produce by working transparently to help encourage other farmers to adopt their practices. Before COHORSIL was incorporated, the farmers in this area primarily grew vegetables, this changed in the 80’s when they decided to diversify their crops and take advantage of their altitude by planting coffee. Starting in 1989, members of the cooperative switched to growing coffee as their main crop. It is a constant goal of theirs to improve practices in order to elevate the quality of their coffee. A cup of this coffee will bring flavor notes of almond, dark chocolate, and orange.


Kahawa 1863: Margaret Nyamumbo and Women in Coffee


Peru, Cusco; Manuel Patilla Carrasco; Valle Inca Cooperative; Red Fox Coffee Merchants