How to Make Our Cup of Sunshine at Home

The cup of sunshine is one of our most beloved non-coffee drinks that we serve at our Brewster Cafe. It is not only refreshing on a hot summer day (as well as year round) but also has some great immune boosting benefits! This drink is typically served cold but you can also enjoy it warm by adding hot water instead of ice cubes. If you’re in the cafe and want to order a hot cup of sunshine, just ask for a citrus elixir! You can purchase your own bag of turmeric latte mix here.

Cup of Sunshine Recipe

What you will need:

  1. juice of 3 oranges

  2. juice of 1 lemon

  3. 1 heaping 1/2 tsp Turmeric Latte Mix 

        or, make your own! combine ~1/8tsp each of turmeric powder, ginger powder & cinnamon, and a dash of cayenne, nutmeg & black pepper to taste

  4. agave, or sweetener of choice

  5. ice

how to make it:

  1. Pour lemon and orange juice over ice

  2. Add turmeric Latte Mix (or homemade mix) and sweetener of choice to a small amount of warm water, stir well

  3. Pour Turmeric into your juice mixture, stir, and enjoy! 


Staff Spotlight: Derek Jamieson


Staff Spotlight: Annie Quiñones