Brazil: Natural Jose Peixoto

Growing Altitude: 900 - 1,400 m

Arabica Varietals: Yellow Catuai

Suggested Brew Ratio: 1 to 15

The Força Café project is headed by Hanns R. Neumann Stiftung of Brasil to support market access and economies of scale for smallholder coffee farmers. As of October, 2015, the project has 5,517 participating farmers. In 2016, the 3rd annual Força Café Quality Competition presented an opportunity for farmers to interact face to face and build trust with the buyers of their coffee, as well as sell their coffee at a premium. Jose Peixoto was ranked 6th place for his natural coffee, which is complex and balanced.  The notes include coco, toasted almond, black berry and grape jam with a cedar aftertaste. This coffee is sure to please customers who love darker roasted coffee.


Organic Peru Tahuantinsuyo


Costa Rica Tarrazu: Coopedota Reserva